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Religious education

Religious Education Intent 

The role of Religious Education at Barnfields is to help prepare and equip all pupils for life as citizens in today’s diverse Britain. Our RE curriculum enables our children to become tolerant and accepting of others, to gain knowledge of world faiths alongside non-religious world views, gives them skills to engage within their local communities whilst promoting British values. Our curriculum develops children’s knowledge of religion, beliefs, practices, language, symbolism and traditions and the influence these factors have on individuals, communities and societies. Learning in RE encourages pupils to consider and respond to a range of important questions related to their own spiritual development, the development of personal values and attitudes and fundamental questions concerning the meaning and purpose of life.

Our Religious Education Approach at Barnfields

At Barnfields we use the Staffordshire Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education (2023) as the basis for our RE curriculum alongside Jigsaw RE to assist in planning interesting, enquiry-based lessons. Jigsaw RE is adapted to suit the needs of Barnfields learners in order to cover all the Staffordshire dimensions and curriculum opportunities. As part of our RE curriculum, children are encouraged to explore ideas and symbolism, learn tolerance and immerse themselves in cultures which may differ from what they are familiar with.

Starting at EYFS, children are exposed to major world religions and non-religious world views and prior knowledge is built upon each year as children progress through the school. Each year group explore six enquiry-based units each year, with Christianity and Islam running throughout the school. At Key Stage Two, children also study Sikhism. Additionally, children learn about non-religious world views such as Humanism. These studies reflect religions in the local area. Children are also exposed to religions such as Hinduism, Judaism and Buddhism through assemblies and other enrichment experiences such as guest speakers and Life Club.