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At Barnfields Primary School, we take pride in our appearance. We know that this shows respect for ourselves, our school and for others.  It also supports our attitude to learning and develops pride in ourselves.  

All pupils are expected to wear the uniform in full to school every day.

At Barnfields, children wear white collared shirts (long or short-sleeved), together with our school tie (with the exception of children in Reception, who wear a white polo shirt).  A red school cardigan or V-necked jumper with the school logo must also be worn.   This is accompanied by a grey/red tartan skirt/pinafore dress or black trousers (no leggings, jeans or combat style).  Black tights and black or grey socks with sensible black shoes or plain black boots (no trainers or pumps) for the winter months must also be worn. 

We encourage everyone to wear our main school uniform all year round.  However, in the summer, children are able to wear black or grey shorts, or a red and white checked summer dress with white socks. 

Please note that our PTFA, for a small donation, sell good quality second hand uniform.

PE Kit

PE kits are an essential part of physical education.  They ensure children remain safe whilst being active and are key for personal hygiene.  Children will be expected to wear a red t-shirt with logo, black shorts or skirt and black or white socks. A Barnfields hoody is optional.  We encourage children to wear inexpensive trainers; we do not stipulate a colour.  Additional warm clothing e.g. tracksuit can also be worn when necessary.


The wearing of jewellery in school is not permitted with exception of one pair of plain studded earrings and watches. This is to ensure the health and safety of the children. Children are not allowed to wear any jewellery for PE and must be able to remove earrings by themselves as staff are not allowed to assist or tape them up. Therefore, if children are unable to remove their own earrings, please do not allow them to wear them on PE days.

Please remember that PE is a legal requirement in which children must participate. With this in mind, we suggest that children having ears pierced do so at the beginning of the summer holiday.

Hair and Accessories

We expect hairstyles to be presentable and smart without being too extreme. Long hair must be tied back for PE. During lesson time, we encourage hair to be tied back so not to hinder their learning. Accessories, such as headbands, need to be sensible in appearance and size.

Label All School Uniform

At Barnfields, we constantly encourage children of all ages to be independent and responsible for their own belongings. However, we are aware that this is not always easy. Therefore, please ensure that all uniform is clearly labelled. Without this, it is almost impossible to return uniform to the correct child.

Purchasing Uniform

Our uniform suppliers are Tailored Branding and Crested School Wear. Tailored Branding offers both online facilities and shop purchases and items can be ordered and delivered to your home address or free to school, their shop can be found here: . Crested School wear has shop facilities in Stafford.

The school PTFA have a fantastic pre-loved uniform shop where items can be purchased. To access this please use the link below: